Monday, July 12, 2010

Look what I did!

A few months ago I bought this wall decal from IKEA. Originally I was going to paint my dresser a light yellow and I wanted this running up the side. I ended up painting the dresser plum, so the decal has been sitting in my room ever since. I've been trying to decide what to do with it, so this morning I got courageous and put it on my wall. I'm still not 100% sure I like the way it turned out, but I guess it's pretty cool.

While I did that, this is what my sidekick did. This is what he does best...when he's not barking.

Back in April Fort Worth had the Main Street Arts Festival. It's a big event they have every year in Sundance Square with all kinds of art vendors, food, and music. We went to the Dolan Geiman booth and fell in love. You look at their pieces and think, "Hey! I could so make that!" And then you try, and find out that you can't. Anyway they had a little drawing that you could enter to win a gift certificate. Guess who won!?!? ME! I NEVER win anything. Never! So I was super pumped about this. It was only for $50 and most of their stuff is well over $1000, but I did find something I could get! I ordered it last week and it came a couple of days ago and I looooove it. The colors are so pretty and I can't wait to find the perfect place to hang it!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Vampires and Werewolves

Yes, Eclipse came out yesterday and we were so there. It was by far the best movie out of the three (not hard to do, the first one wasn't that great). A group of us went to Movie Tavern on 7th street to see it because we figured there would be less annoying teenage girls there. They had a few drink specials too! A Team Edward which was a strawberry long island, Team Jacob was a strawberry marg, and for the lamos a non-alcoholic strawberry Twilight! Sarah, Joy, and I all enjoyed Team Edwards while Steph and Cassie had Team Jacobs. My Edward was very tasty! Haha!

Me, Sarah, and Steph in line before the movie. We got there and hour 1/2 before it started and there was already a huuuge line.

Me Team Edward drink, which turned out to actually be a Team Jacob, so I got that fixed reeaalll quick.

Kiss FM was there with all the character cutouts that you could take pics with. This is me and my main squeeze.

All of us with our Team drinks!

Almost movie time!

Me and Steph before the movie started. Steph almost got by with not paying for her food...almost!