Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Before and After

Today little H got his hair did. I hate when he has to get his haircut b/c I just love it when he's shaggy! He's so much cuter that way! Here he is a few days ago...

And now here he is today. I think he's a little mad at me.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Food, Zoo Run, Packing, Lounging


Right after school I drove to Sarah's apt and we went and ate dinner at Pei Wei. I paid in CASH this time because I'm almost positive that's who stole my credit card number last time I was there. Their food is just too good to keep me away. After dinner we went to Target to browse and pick up some Cliff Bars and Gatorade for our race on Saturday. I also bought myself a little something extra...don't make fun, you know you like him too.

It was only $7.99! How could I resist?

We came home, watched a little Flight of the Concords, laid out our race clothes, and went to bed.


We woke up at 5:30 in the freakin morning. Neither of us are morning people, so this wasn't very fun. It was kind of cold and drizzly the whole morning, so I was nervous the race would be canceled. Mine started at 7:00 and luckily it hadn't started raining yet. The path for the race was really cool. The first mile went through the zoo. We passed the hippos, zebras, tons of different birds, and the elephants. It was easy running because you had so much to look at! The rest of the race was around TCU and the surrounding neighborhoods. There were some amazing houses we passed and I couldn't help day dreaming. Around mile 4 it started raining pretty hard. I didn't mind it and I actually thought it was kind of fun. I was laughing at the ladies who got all dressed up and did their make up. I mean really? Why do you need to fix your hair Kate Gosselin style and put on 5 lbs of make up to run 6 miles? I for sure did not. The race ended back towards the entrance to the zoo. I was really proud of myself when I finished. I didn't set any records by any means, but I had fun and ran the whole thing. Sarah's started at 8:30, so while she was running I went and checked out the free goodies. I got everything I could hold and went and put it in the car. When Sarah finished her race we went back and got MORE FREE FOOD! woohoo! Here's all the sweet treats we got, complete with a Twilight apple...

By this point it was raining pretty hard, so we decided to hold off on actually going to the zoo and save our ticket for a better day. We went home, got dressed, cried b/c we were so tired, and then went to lunch. We were going to try a new place, but being the boring people we are we decided to go to our favorite spot, Fuzzy's. Amy, this is where I'm taking you when you come...get excited!! We treated ourselves with a little alcoholic beverage for doing such a good job!

There's a ghost or something behind Sarah I think.

After lunch we went and signed our lease! yahoo! It's finally official!!! Then, the worst part of the day, I had to go to work. Boo.


I woke up feeling a little sore. Probably because I only stretched about .5 seconds yesterday. Bad idea. I started packing my room up a little and then decided to tackle the dresser project. My dresser is painted chocolate brown right now, and I want it dark purple for my new apt. I took out some drawers and then had to run down stairs to get a screw driver. When I came back this is what I found..

Yes, he only has one eye. Please don't laugh, he's very self conscious. I started sanding and scraping the paint off, but didn't get very far. I got a little tired of it and my hand hurt. I'll try again tomorrow. Now I'm sitting on the couch waiting for the Mavs game to start!!! GO MAVS!!!

wow, this was a long post.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Moving day is approaching...

Tonight I started packing, and by started I mean I packed two boxes and then quit. I quickly realized how much shizz I have in my room. I wanted to get a lot done because the next few days I'm going to be really busy, but I just got too overwhelmed. I shouldn't be too worried because I'm pretty much a professional procrastinator!

I'm just so excited that I will basically be across the street from this...

Almost next door to this...

And living with this girl...

T-10 days

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cute kid of the day...

Every once in a while a student at school just makes me smile. Today after lunch I went back into my office and found a note on my desk. I think this class is learning how to write and address letters, so they're practicing by writing to teachers. I'm so happy I got one!! Prepare to smile:

Dear Miss Patterson,

Gym is cool. I like sports. Thats why I like Gym and sports. Because I play hard and charge hard it's because I am a man.


(Cute Kid)

Cute right?!? He's a man! That seriously made me lol.

I have been bitten by the blog bug!

Lately I have become more and more obsessed with reading blogs. I just love to know what's going on in other people's lives! I'm not planning on making this blog very exciting, because honestly my life consists of mainly unexciting things. There might be a few people who like it...I can think of 3. That's more than 1 right? Perez had to start somewhere...

Tonight was a family running night...sort of. I was going running at the track so I invited my seester, who in turn invited my broseph, who then invited my madre, who then invited Harvey! Sister, mom, and dog only stayed a while but brother stayed while I finished 4 miles. I'm running a 10K (The Zoo Run!!) this weekend, and I've been slacking. I think I'll be fine, but I just make myself nervous. I will leave you with this picture of my furry boyfriend, I think he's smiling! I have to get back to Glee!