So I'm long term subbing 4th grade (no more PE!!!) for a couple of months, while still working at Ulta. Having two jobs is something I hope will not be a part of my life for much longer. If only I could find a sugar daddy...
5:30am wake up call
6:30am I leave my apt
7:15ish arrive at school and try to gather my thoughts
3:15 i get rid of those hooligans
4:15 leave school, head out to sell some makeup
9:30-10:00pm finally arrive back home
This schedule goes on about 2 or 3 days a week, plus a little Ulta action on the weekends. My body is already fighting back. I started getting sick last weekend, but ignored it. Then Wednesday my body said "for realz, I be supa tired" and it started crashing. I called in to work today (something I've only done once in the past employee ever? yes!) bc I need to rest up for this weekend's big plans. Happy Labor Day!!!