I got this fabulous shirt in the Target $ spot! How could I resist!?!? And you can kind of see his new hot dog toy. I got this in the $ spot as well, and it is the best $ I've spent in a long time. H is completely obsessed with it. He even knows what it means when you ask, "Where's your hot dog?" So cute!

A couple of shots of the backyard. I feel like such a photographer w/ my new app, even though I am pretty much the opposite.

My fur-baby. He's still living w/ the rents, but if all goes as planned he will be moving to CowTown this Saturday!!
Sunday was a family-fun-food-filled day. I got to see some fam that I haven't in a while, which was nice. And I got to eat way to much food, which was double nice. I have zero pictures though. Oops! I spent all day Monday going from school to school *trying* to drop off resumes. Key word, trying. Half the time I couldn't find the school (I almost threw my iphone out the window on multiple occasions...that stupid blue dot doesn't refresh fast enough!!), and the other half of the time no one was at the school. I was able to drop off a total of 3, and then one more on Tuesday morning. I'm heading out again tomorrow, so please say a prayer that something actually comes of it. I'm thinking of other career possibilities if this doesn't pan out...suggestions?

Sarah, Stephanie and I have formed a True Blood watching club. Steph and Adam have a sweet new HD tv, so you will find us camped out there every Sunday at 8pm. This week was our turn to bring the snacks. I made cream cheese and salsa pin wheels (remember these ames?) and we brought taquitos too. True Blood was soooo good. This season is completely different than the first season, and I'm loving it!

Last thing I swear....We haven't really had a good grocery store in our neighborhood, so we just do our shopping at Target....until today!! Kroger had their grand opening today and we were so there! It's right down the street from us, and it's a nicer one...almost like a Central Market, but not quite. You know you're getting old when you get excited about a grocery store. I'm not ashamed though, I was super pumped for it! I even have my own Kroger plus card now. Bam! They had all kinds of food and drink samples too: sushi, cookies, bread, wine, champagne, beer, cheese, cherries...so much! And I bet you know which ones we loved!! But while we were in there, we found the cutest pineapple ever. Have you ever seen one of these? Maybe we're a little late on the bandwagon, but I had to have a picture. Baby pineapples are precious, the end.
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