Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sunday Fundays

I love Sundays for many reasons. First being I never have to work!! Second being the pool tradition Steph and I started this summer. We spend all day at the pool drinking big sonic drinks topped off with some rum my parents brought back from Puerto Rico, and then we watch True Blood. I don't know what I'm going to do on Sundays since pool days are winding down and True Blood ends next week :(

However, tomorrow I get to see this guy...

so that should make for a pretty good Sunday as well.

My life these days...

So I'm long term subbing 4th grade (no more PE!!!) for a couple of months, while still working at Ulta. Having two jobs is something I hope will not be a part of my life for much longer. If only I could find a sugar daddy...

5:30am wake up call
6:30am I leave my apt
7:15ish arrive at school and try to gather my thoughts
3:15 i get rid of those hooligans
4:15 leave school, head out to sell some makeup
9:30-10:00pm finally arrive back home

This schedule goes on about 2 or 3 days a week, plus a little Ulta action on the weekends. My body is already fighting back. I started getting sick last weekend, but ignored it. Then Wednesday my body said "for realz, I be supa tired" and it started crashing. I called in to work today (something I've only done once in the past employee ever? yes!) bc I need to rest up for this weekend's big plans. Happy Labor Day!!!